Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Everyone says it

I can't believe how big he's gotten! He does big boy things like eat veggies in a high chair and roll over and over and over. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth and he's not even 6 months old yet. I know he'll be crawling in the next few weeks. He laughs when something is funny and smiles when he see's something he likes. He loves his daddy and will sit and stare at him forever! He says big boy words like "gooonk" and "boomp" and lately he's been saying "mamamamama" a lot. He is getting shy and silly. He grabs for things like the remote and the dog and my hair. He won't lay still when I change his diaper or get him dressed. I have had to master changing him while he is on his tummy. What happened to my sweet little baby?Here are a few new pictures of my big boy. Each night Ryan and I talk about how lucky we are to have such a great little boy. We are so thankful that we ge to raise this little man! I had no idea how much fun it is to be a mom!